Bakeries’ product focus can vary from softness to sweetness, but KUKULI, located a one-minute walk from Denenchofu Station on the Tokyu Toyoko/Meguro Lines, insists on selecting high-quality ingredients, appropriate baking techniques, and handcrafting by a veteran baker. Born of these high standards is “KUKULI Yamagata Shokupan” (650 yen including tax) that allows you to enjoy the original flavor of bread.
With domestic flour and homemade sourdough starter, the flavor of the flour is drawn out to the max, and the bread is baked carefully without using any additives in the baking process. This is the KUKULI style. This round-top bread is referred to in Japan as a type of “British bread,” and you can enjoy the aroma of the grain with an exquisite crispy texture. The not-too-sweet taste that you can enjoy every day is perfect for toast or a sandwich.
The crust is almost like thin crispy skin with a wonderful fragrance...and the soft and thick interior bursting with condensed flavor of the grain when you tear into it, guaranteed to fill you up. This bread will make you call it the epitome of bread.
We heard that toasting this bread makes it even tastier. We could hardly wait!
When the bread is toasted, its crisp texture and rich aroma only increased! The crunchy, crispy texture of the crust is more prominent, and it is a match made in heaven with butter. You can eat this bread forever! With its moderate sweetness, the flavor works well with other ingredients, making this bread perfect for sandwiches.
It has been four years since KUKULI opened in Denenchofu. Before Japanese-style bread became truly trendy, which is when KUKULI opened, the bakery was already focusing on its craft. This was only natural for the sole owner of KUKULI, Mr. Nanbu . Prior to opening KUKULI, he was a panettiere (baker in Italian) and owner of a quite famous bakery in Gotanda.
“In my last bakery, I was producing various kinds of bread, but upon opening this one, I wanted to focus on Japanese-style bread as a baker once again. If I am to open a new bakery, why wouldn’t I put all my craftsmanship into creating the finest Japanese-style bread possible? That’s how I felt. I am still studying and going through trial and error every day to figure out how I can make the bread taste even better.”
Measures related to COVID-19 at the shop include a vinyl partition at the cashier counter and the staff wears masks, caps, and gloves. The shop is regularly disinfected, hand sanitizer is available for customers to use, and the door is always open for ventilation.
In the kitchen, the baker disinfects himself and wears a mask and cap to work. Every piece of equipment in the baking environment and on the way to the counter is all disinfected.
Customers are allowed to enter one group at a time, and wearing a mask is encouraged .
KUKULI also tries not to discard bread or ingredients at all, tries to use minimal wrappings, and tries to minimize waste; in short, KUKULI is environmentally friendly.
KUKULI pursues the simple and clean flavor of bread itself to the max. Other than the round-top bread we introduced today, they also have a cube-shaped bread created to be soft and slightly sweet, so please drop by and try it out as well!